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PWWA Water Challenges tops Agenda in Korea

CAPTION:  Shown in front of the map of the South Pacific
 is (left) Opetaia Ravai, CEO of the Water Authority of Fiji and 
Manasa Tusulu, its Manager Business Analyst
Pacific Water and Waste Water (PWWA) chairman Opetaia Ravai will address the 7th Annual Water Forum in Korea on April 13 highlighting the water challenges the region faces with special emphasis on the Fiji experience.

Mr. Ravai is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Water Authority of Fiji.

“PWWA represents the wastewater and water facilities of 21 Pacific regional governments and our issues are substantial.  Collectively we provide 329,000 water connections and 64,000 sewerage connections.  We provide water to a population of 1.9 million and wastewater service to 0.4 million.  And we do so in our countries spread over an area that covers nearly 450,000 square miles,” said Mr. Ravai.

He said that of special importance at the Forum would be the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PWWA and the Caribbean Water & Waste Water stakeholders.

 “The purpose of the MOU is to create a platform for cooperation between the two regions to more formally facilitate exchanges of experience, expertise and knowledge.

“We have been meeting with our Caribbean counterparts for several years and have benefited from our shared experience. The MOU will now provide an opportunity to strengthen this relationship,” said Mr. Ravai.

The Caribbean stakeholders include Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) and the Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association (CAWASA).

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