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Students killed in nasty car accident

Several students are dead, including a 7 month old baby when the PMV bus which they were travelling in slid of Wara Bun Bridge and into the side of the river in Jiwaka Province.
The fatal accident occurred between 7 and 8am today.
According to an eye witness, Kora Goma, 3 females survived and were rushed to the hospital while the rest of the passengers who were on board died.
Police arrived late at the scene of what many described as HORRIFIC.
“The vehicle which was a white 15 seater passenger bus from Banz took the back road to Nondogul in Minj and on its way back encountered some mechanical problems” said Kora
“The road leading down to Wara Bun is very stiff and the driver lost control driving the vehicle straight into the river where it smashed among the rocks with all the passengers in the bus”
“It is one of the most horrible accidents I have ever seen, the place smelt of blood and I felt sick and sorry for the ones who died” said Kora Goma.

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