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Oil Search Pacific Games Relay arrives in Enga

The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay arrived back in the mountains, staying at Lake Surinki, up at 2,700m, outside of Wabag, Enga Province.
The relay team arrived at Wapenamanda in Enga Province early yesterday to a rousing welcome from several thousand gathered at the airport.
Governor Ipatas was there to greet the Baton along with the Silimuli singsing groups from Western Enga.
The ladies swapped their kundus for the Baton in a display the at had the crowd cheering.
The Baton then stopped in at Wapenamanda Primary School oval for the official welcome speech by Grand Chief Sir Peter Ipatas and the Oil Search Ambassador, Willy Kupo, whilst Tura kept the small kids entertained.
The Baton was then driven to Wabag stopping in at schools and villages along the way.
Stops included Yaibos Lutheran Primary School, Highlands Lutheran International School at Amapyaka, and the Birip Primary School and village where the Engan Kickboxing team joined the Relay and treated everyone to a small show.
Arriving at Wabag the team visited Aipus Oval to meet the Enga Mioks and watch the start of the Digicel Cup match against the Wahgi Tumbe.
From there the relay headed up back into the mountains to Surinki where the Surinki Lutheran High School put on a small relay and sent their support to Team PNG.
The relay heads up to Porgera and Paiam today.

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