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U.S Navy express confidence in the Royal Fiji Military Forces

Speaking to Fiji One News, Rear Admiral Bruce Gillingham says, though the RFMF is not big in size, our military has the ability to respond to international crisis.

Presenting at the Fiji School of Medicine Pasifika Auditorium this morning, Rear Admiral Bruce Gillingham says, no one should cast doubt on the size of Fiji’s military.

“I gave a presentation to the nuclear disaster in Japan and while Fiji does not have nuclear reactors, the ability to respond in an effective manner and to work together with other countries in responding is very important and I hope I’ve conveyed the message today,” said Bruce Gillingham – Rear Admiral

Gillingham says, the current activities of our military speaks volume of what they can achieve, not just locally but globally as well.

“Although your military is much smaller than the US military, 3rd of your military is currently deployed in 4 locations responding to peacekeeping duties and that’s fantastic stuff that your country has made a great commitment to world stability,” he said,

Even Gillingham praised our men on their recent mission to Vanuatu after cyclone Pam devastated the country.

“In fact, your forces responded extremely well to the events in Vanuatu and I think that was greatly appreciated and I think that demonstrates the ability Fiji has in that regards,” he said.


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