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PNG Hunters beat Townsville Blackhawks 28 - 26

The Papua New Guinea Hunters have held off fast finishing Townsville Blackhawks 28 - 26 at the Kalabond Oval this afternoon.

The following details how the game unfolded.

Full Time. PNG Hunters 28 - Blackhawks 26.

79th mins.  Blackhawks on attack.
77 mins.  Desperate defence by PNG Hunters. Hunters on attack.
76 mins. Blackhawks on attack.
70th Mins. Blackhawks fight back.  Scores. Blackhawks 26 PNG Hunters 28
67th min. Blackhawks score. Conversion unsuccesful  Blackhawks 20 PNG Hunters 28

58 Mins. Blackhawks score through Walsh. Unsuccessful conversion. Blackhawks 16 - PNG Hunters 28
53 Mins. Ate Bina Wabo puts a  short kick. Adex Werea regathers scores for Hunters. Conversion unsuccessful Hunters 28 Blackhawks 12
52mins gone: Penalty to Hunters. Hunters on attack
50th Mins. Hunters mistake.  Blackhawks on attack.
49 mins gone: Ase Boas scores for Hunters. Hunters 24 Blackhawks 12

45 mins. Hunters on attack.
Amean held up.  Blackhawks on attack.

43mins. Blackhawks line dropout. Hunters on attack
Penalty to Hunters . Hunters find touch. Hunters on attack.

Second half underway. Blackhawks to kick off.

Half time Score
PNG Hunters 18  Townsville Blackhawks 12

38th Mins. Blackhawks on attack.
35 minutes gone. Hunters on attack. Amean scores. Hunters 18 - Blackhawks 12.

30 minutes  gone. Hunters 12 Blackhawks 12

28th Minutes.  Hunters on attack. Score 12 all.
24th Mins. Blackhawks score again.  Score Hunters 12 Blackhawks 12

22nd Mins. Costigan cross over under the uprights.  PNG Hunters 12 - Blackhawks 6

20 mins. Blackhawks on attack. Hunters 12 - Blackhawks 0

18th Minutes. Conversion unsuccessful Hunters 12 - Blackhawks 0
17th mins. Eliab collects loose ball. Runs 80 meters to score. Hunters 12 - 0 Conversion yet to come

15 Mins. Penalty to Blackhawks. Blackhawks on attack .

13 Minutes. Hunters  Line break but referee calls forward pass. Blackhawks on attack

12 Minute. Hunters on attack.

11 minute. Costigan shoulder charge on Hunters player.  Hunters penalty. Jemmings gets extras.  Hunters  8 - 0
10th. Minutes. Nice catch by Amean. Attacks on attack.

9th Minutes. Blackhawks on attack

7th Minutes; Hunters on attack
6th Minute: Kick successful. Hunters 6 . Blackhawks 0

5th . Hunters score through Jemmings. Hunters 4 kick yet come.

Blackhawks nearly scored but pushed out by desperate Hunters defence.

3rd Minute. Penalty to Blackhawks. Blackhawks on attack.
2mins gone. Now score yet. Hunters on attack

Hunters Kick off now

Robert Lui, Ray Thomson and Neville Costigan all playing for the Blackhawks

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