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Abbott overthrown in leadership coup

THE change of leadership in Australia last night is reminiscent of what transpired 40 years as Papua New Guinea achieved Independence.

Gough Whitlam was in Port Moresby on September 16, 1975, gave PNG Independence and on his return to Australia became embroiled in the Australian Constitutional Crisis one month later which led to his downfall.

Likewise, Tony Abbott was in Port Moresby several days ago for the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting and upon his return has been replaced in a leadership challenge, two days shy of PNG celebrating its 40th Independence Anniversary.

Last night Malcolm Turnbull is set to become Australia’s 29th prime minister after toppling Tony Abbott 54 votes to 44 in a Liberal leadership ballot at Parliament House in Canberra.

Julie Bishop convincingly defeated Kevin Andrews in a ballot for deputy Liberal leader.

Mr Turnbull resigned from Cabinet after yesterday’s Question Time and told Mr Abbott he would challenge for the leadership.

Before the vote, the former communications minister said he had been under sustained pressure to put his name forward.

"Now this is not a decision that anyone could take lightly. I have consulted with many, many colleagues, many Australians, many of our supporters in every walk of life," Mr Turnbull said.

"This course of action has been urged on me by many people over a long period of time."

"It is clear enough that the Government is not successful in providing the economic leadership that we need. It is not the fault of individual ministers.

"Ultimately, [Tony Abbott] has not been capable of providing the economic leadership our nation needs. He has not been capable of providing the economic confidence that business needs." Source: Post Coureir / PNG Today

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