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The National Research Institute refutes articles on PNG Blog Website

Media Release : NRI 
The National Research Institute (NRI) today expressed grave concern about an article posted recently by an anonymous writer claiming to be a NRI Research Staff member on the PNG Blogs website. As an independent "Think Tank" of the government, the NRI generates knowledge and provides sound policy analysis based on research.

The institute’s professional staff observe approved publication ethics and protocols in publishing information through NRI publications, NRI’s own blog, Spotlight with NRI articles, and commentaries on topical issues based on

sound analysis. All articles follow a stringent process where they are peer reviewed or commented on by staff and colleagues from both within PNG and abroad. Further, all articles are sanctioned by the NRI Director for release.

Hence, the NRI disassociates itself from the published article. The Institute is not comfortable with the article’s content because it is an unauthorised article. From the style of writing, the language used and the structure of the writing, the institute is convinced that the article was written by someone other than a serving research staff member. Further, internal investigations to date support this assertion.

We therefore call on the author to disclose his or her identity. The NRI would want to discuss with the author on how we could rectify this unfortunate incident as it brings disrepute to a reputable and credible organization and tarnishes its professional and public image not only within PNG but also abroad.

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