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Prime Ministers O'Neill confident his government will remain in power

The National Government is confident of remaining in office for its full five year term, despite talks of a Vote of No Confidence, being staged by the Opposition.
Speaking at a press conference hosted by factions of the Highlands Regional Block, Prime Minister Peter O'Neil, says his ruling People's National Congress Party has 61 members, while its coalition partners gives his government a majority of close to 100 MP's, strong enough to withstand any opposition.
Mr. O'Neil further says, his government has done its best for the country, and it will continue to provide what the country needs.
"Its business as usual, I know that there has been some interesting discussion in the state of politics in the country over the last few days. This is a democratic country, and we expect this kind of discussion to take place from time to time. But I want to assure the country and its people that our government will continue to provide stability for our country that it needs at this crucial moment."
Meantime, Prime Minister O'Neil claims his government has achieved much for the country, compared to all past Parliament terms put together.
He said, his Government has been a working Government, and this is evident in the education, health and other government services across the country.

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