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Water at Sirinumu Dam will last for 8 months

Water Levels at the Sirinumu catchment area continues to fall following the nationwide dry spell due to the the El Nino Effect. Water levels have dropped 12 meters from the assumed sea level of 529 cubic meters.
Water level now stands at 14 cubic meters from a fall point of 26 meters. According to PNG Power Water Management Team Leader Mr. Launa Madakou the drop was worse than the 1997 drought but it can be managed.
He said they have calculated that the remaining water will last for 8 months. That is enough to provide electricity pass mid next year when the dry spell is expected to ease just in time for the rain as forecast.
“We will still have generation capacity to continue on for the next 8months.”
He assured the public not to be alarmed at the declining water supply because there are other alternatives available to generate electricity using fuel, gas and thermal energy.
Fluctuating water levels is a typical annual event corresponding to the wet and dry season in NCD and Central but due to the El Nino it is mostly dry causing the low water levels.
The difference about the previous drought is the less size of the demand in electricity supply over the years this has changed and there is a rise as a result of rapid developments and industrial growth.
He urged electricity users to act responsibly by being rationale.
For a start electricity users can switch off electrical appliances that are not in use to conserve it.
“People have to start conserving electricity like how they conserve water,” Mr. Launa Madakou said.
He added that the recent power outage were not a drastic measure used by PNG Power Ltd to manage the electricity supplies because of the falling level of water.
The power line cables were covered in dust and had to be washed off and others cables were eroded and needed to be replaced urgently especially from Kanudi to the LNG site.
“Its a technical fault that is caused naturally,” Mr. Launa Madakou said. PNGFM / PNG Today 

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