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Madang prepares to receive Prime Minister Peter O'Neill

The Provincial Government, the people and the business community in Madang Province are preparing to receive the Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill when he jets into Province next Monday to launch the Construction phase of the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone (PMIZ) project.
Minister for Trade Commerce & Industry, Richard Maru has expressed satisfaction that the project will finally commence after years of delay.
The PMIZ project has been delayed for over five (5) years because of Court actions instigated by a number of plaintiffs or aggrieved communities against the National Government allegedly over environmental pollution concerns.
The plaintiffs however have withdrawn their cases and the PMIZ Concessional loan has also been extended by the China Exim Bank to pave way for the construction of the PMIZ project to begin.
Prime Minister is also expected to announce a number of big initiatives and policies of the Government during the launching.
This will include:
1. The Upgrading and resealing of all Madang Town roads.
2. A Major Law and Order operation in Madang Province to curb the bad and much publicised Law and Order problems in the province.
3. The inclusion of Madang Province into a Tourism Hub in addition to (East New Britain Province (ENBP) and Milne Bay Province.
4. Key policies in relation to fisheries including PNG’s ownership of fish canning and processing companies in the country.
“The Prime Minister will also announce the formation of a new company which will own the PMIZ project assets and benefits from all business spin-off opportunities from the project”, said Minister Maru.
The new joint venture company will be owned by Kumul Consolidated Holdings (State) and Madang Provincial Government on behalf of the people of Madang and the impacted communities around the PMIZ project impact area.

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