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Fijian seasonal workers claim mistreatment, Australian government looks into Fijian workers claims

The Australian Government’s seasonal workers programme has come under the spotlight.

This is after six Fijian workers claimed mistreatment at the hands of a labour- hire company in Queensland.

These workers are now in the process of being sent back home to Fiji.

The six Fijian workers were among a group of farm workers who walked off the job last month claiming underpayment and mistreatment at a Euston farm in southern New South Wales, near Robinvale

They are Jovesa Maisiri, Losalini Waqa, Eleni Baxter, Fulilagi Malanivosa, Inia Qoli and Marcia Watiri.

The six claim, the scheme has been exploited by Australian government-approved labour-hire companies that are paying workers as little as $1.20 (US$0.87) Australian an hour despite being entitled to AUD $21.61 (US$15.70) an hour under the horticulture award.

This award mandates workers must be paid a minimum hourly rate, regardless of their productivity.

Five of the six are reportedly in Melbourne seeking legal advice. They refused to leave Australia out of fear they would face jail if they returned home.

The workers were at Melbourne Airport when they became aware the “deportation” was being carried out without the knowledge of government departments, despite the -labour-hire company making this claim.

The Fijians were casual employees of Queensland-based labour-hire company Plant Grow Pick, an approved Department of Employment seasonal worker employer.

The alleged mistreatment included being:

– Paid as little as $1.20 Australian an hour under a piece rate system

– Denied medical access

– Underfed by the labour-hire company, which was required to feed them

– Unable to move freely in the community, including visiting family

– Verbally abused by supervisors

– Refused work breaks

– Prohibited from attending church

Last Thursday, the workers were told they had been fired and were given less than 48 hours’ notice that they would be sent back to Fiji.

Flights were booked on their behalf for Saturday night.

Once in Melbourne the workers decided to stay and fight for their rights.

Plant Grow Pick owner Mel Penson denied the workers should receive a minimum hourly rate and said Fair Work Australia had previously investigated the business and found no problems with the pay rate.

Concerned about the claims of mistreatment and exploitation the Fijian Ministry of Labour had sent someone to carry out an inspection of the farm in question.

Fiji's Labour Minister Semi Koroilavesau said the investigation does not support the claims made.

“One has returned last night and there are five still in Australia,one of our Executives went across to Australia to check out with the labour standards,and the Ministry of Labour in Australia had inspected the site where they worked and the Australian Government is quite happy with the conditions and all the details of their working conditions is quite similar to how they work in Australia.”

He states that there are 116 more Fijians are working in farms across Australia.

No complaints have been filed from others working there.

“If we have 116 who work are enjoying and working now for 2 months and only 6 workers have decided to go out. They had decided to go out sometime ago and stayed with relatives.To me it looks like they wanted to go to Australia this was an opportunity for them to go Australia.Everyone understood this was going to be a hard effort on their part to go and work for 6 months and have enough money to come back and establish themselves back at home.”

The Minister confirms that Qoli’s airfare along with the remaining five in Australia is being  paid for by the company they worked for.

Koroilavesau also confirms that none of the six will be sent to jail as they had stated in their interview.

“The company has obliged to pay the airfare back.Once they arrive here one is here now he has been briefed yesterday and he will be coming back on Monday.Following this he returns to Vanua Levu.There is no intention by Government to carry out any in-disciplinary action,this is a learning curve for the Ministry we need to re-look at our selection criteria and make sure that people we select are willing to go and do physical work this is not working in the office,but in the plantation picking apples and working on the farm”.

The remaining five will be returning home shortly and will also meet with the Director of the National Employment Center.

Meanwhile, the  Australian Government says an investigation is now underway.

A spokesperson told Fiji One News that the allegations will be taken seriously.

Measures have now been taken to ensure a thorough investigation of all allegations raised is carried out.

The Australian Department of Employment has referred the case to the Fair Work Ombudsman which has commenced its formal investigation.

All parties to the matter will be notified of the Ombudsman’s findings.

The Spokesperson said there are strong protections and monitoring arrangements under the Seasonal Worker Programme and the Australian Government vets employers who are seeking to recruit seasonal workers.

Prospective approved employers must meet a range of eligibility criteria before they are approved to recruit seasonal workers.


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