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PNG Highlands Police Chief dies in vehicle accident

Papua New Guinea's Highlands Police Commission Teddy Tei had died in a strategic vehicle accident outside Mt Hagen city in Western Highlands Province yesterday.

Tei was also the former Highlands Regional Commander of Police until the recent split of the command into two- the Eastern and Western Divisional Command.

Commissioner Tei was travelling to his home village in Bukapena in Mul District from Mt Hagen during the early hours of yesterday when his vehicle ran off the Gomanz Bridge, a bridge which is very narrow and has no side rails, and has a good record of accidents.

He was travelling alone and his body was still inside his vehicle under the flood waters of  Gomanz River until it was discovered several hours later in the morning between five or six o’clock  by people who were travelling to Mt Hagen.

Mr Tei was already dead when he was discovered and his body was taken straight to the Mt Hagen General Hospital morgue and his vehicle was towed away to his home village in Bukapena, which was only a couple of kilometers away from the accident site.

Late Teddy Tei’s immediate family members and his Nenga Andakomon tribesmen were shocked yesterday and could not digest the fact that their man, who is a senior member of the police force in the country, was dead.

Colleague and Western Highlands Provincial Police Commander, Martin Lakari said the death came as a shock to him and other senior police officers in the Highlands region.

“I take this time on behalf of our policeman and women in Western Highlands Province to pass my deepest condolences to the family members, tribesmen and relatives of the late ACP Tei. It is a big loss to the families and relatives but a great loss to the Royal PNG Constabulary.

 “We lost one of a very smart and professional officer of the police force and his death has left a huge vacuum which would be hard for the department to replace a person of his caliber,” Supt Lakari said.

A close relative of late ACP Tei, John Pulgum said that all the relatives were shocked when they heard of the death and are just gathering at late Teddy’s home.

“He was preparing for a feast for himself before he would head off to Mendi to take up his new job as the Eastern Divisional Commander for the Highlands,” Mr Pulgum said.

“We, all his family members and tribesmen were happy for him and have spoken highly of him, but all of a sudden he is dead and we are shocked and cannot believe he is dead.”

The Police Department in the highlands, especially WHP, SHP, Hela and Enga Provinces were also shocked yesterday of Mr Tei’s death. The Western Highlands Traffic and CID investigations are conducting investigation to the cause of the death.

Late ACP Tei is survived by three wives and six children. He was to take up his new position as the Eastern Divisional Command Assistant Commissioner of Police and was supposed to take up his office in Mendi next week

His body is expected to be flown to Port Moresby today (Thursday) for official viewing and proper dressing at a funeral home before returning to Mt Hagen for official funeral and burial.

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