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Photo Rollout Pilot Project for 2017 elections

The 2017 election is coming up and already preparations  are underway to make sure voting, especially in the cities is done properly with the new Photo Rollout voting system.

Today the NCDC has come on to support the pilot project for this new system with funding of almost K200, 000 presented by the NCD Governor, Powes Parkop to PNG Electoral Commissioner, Patalius Gamato today.
The Electoral Commissioner said this project is important because it enables fare elections in that it eliminates corrupt practices during voting and thanks Parkop for the grant support.
The pilot project will commence next month at Gerehu Stage Two and if successful the Governor has given his assurance that he will continue to support the system in its roll out in the 2017 general election in the city.
Governor Parkop believes it is a step forward in the absence of the NID system because it is going to be instrumental in eliminating the corrupt practices that usually take place during election time.
Meantime, Parkop is disappointed with the way in which the NID system was handled and it not being fully ready to be applied during the 2017 National Election.
“It’s not known the reason is or what caused the failure, perhaps the problem is we try to set up another agency when we already have the Electoral Commission which should have taken up this exercise so we don’t have to duplicate things,” Parkop said.


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