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Polye calls on Government to use LPV systen in 2017 elections

PNG Opposition Leader, Don Polye, is calling on the Government to continue using the Limited Preferential Voting system in the 2017 National Elections, instead of reverting to the First Past the Post system.
He said the L-P-V system is fair, allows more women to be elected, and adds value to the leadership of elected representatives, because the number of votes received comes from a wider cross section of an electorate, enabling a fair distribution of services, unlike the previous system.

Mr. Polye adds that the government should not use the excuse of funding to return to the old system of voting, because this move will be seen as a backward step in the conduct of elections in PNG.
PNG Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato, has indicated earlier that they will still be using the LPV system of voting in 2017, unless Parliament makes amendments to the current system and decides otherwise

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