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Polye congratulates Taiwan's first female President elect Tsai Ing-Wen

Papua New Guinea’s Opposition Leader Don Pomb Polye has hailed his Taiwan counterpart Tsai Ing-wen for her election victory as the country’s first female president.
“On behalf of our people, let me congratulate Ing-wen for winning the presidency seat with 56.1 per cent of the vote.
“As a counter-part, we are impressed with the outstanding performance of her Democratic Progressive party which won 68 of the 113 seats compared to the Nationalist party’s 35 in the election,” Mr Polye said.
He said PNG Opposition would learn lessons from the landmark victory which Ing-wen, as an Opposition Leader, achieved in claiming the presidential seat. 
He added that both countries shared similarities in democracy.
Polye also commended the Nationalist party candidate Eric Chu for giving a robust challenge.
He further commended the other political parties which also proved their worthiness as potential contenders for the seat. 
“Her victory came at the time when PNG has a trade mission in Taipei to enhance business, investment and economic coorperation between the countries,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mr Polye has called on the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to aggressively bid for PNG's membership through establishing diplomatic missions in those ASEAN member countries in which PNG does not have one as yet.
The Opposition Leader said through the past government, which he was part of, only secured the observer status.

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