Contract signed to construct Yangoru Mobile Police Barracks

The Governor General, Sir Michael Ogio today officiated at the signing ceremony of anK18.2 million contract between Eastern Highlands Company, Pacific Building Industries Limited and the State for the construction of the Yangoru Police Mobile Barracks in Yangoru-Saussia District.
The Yangoru Mobile Police Barracks will house 45 Mobile Policemen and women.
In a Press Conference held right after the signing ceremony, Minister for Trade Commerce & Industry and Member for Yangoru-Saussia District, Richard Maru said the Mobile Police Barracks is a key infrastructure project under the Sepik Plains Special Economic zone.
Minister Maru said the Police barracks will provide additional highly trained Policemen and women in the Mobile Squad to be based at Yangoruto assist the Government provide additional security to attract investors to come and invest in the Sepik Plains Special Economic zonethat will create jobs, increase exports and create wealth for our people and the country”, he said.
Minister Maru said the Yangoru Mobile Barracks will serve the needs at the Border at Wutung, Vanimo and Aitape areas and in the rest of East Sepik and Sandaun Provinces.
It will also assist meet the security needs of the proposed Freida River Mining project.
The Mobile barracks will consist of 45 houses, an administration building, a gymnasium, a chapel, a workshop and a club house. The construction will commence in 4 weeks’ time and will be completed by February 2017.
Meanwhile landowner spokesman, Michael Kendi said his people and landowners from Numboruon village in Yangoru fully support the project and cannot wait for the physical work to start on site.
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