Usino-Bundi aim to do digital with accounts

Usino Bundi MP, Anton Yagama says all service improvement program (PSIP, DSIP & LLGSIP) and other interventions programs grants shall be reported in the electronic format for acquitting and distributions.
Yagama said standards for the electronic recording, processing and distribution of financial and other business reports (digital reporting) is the way forward for easy accessibility of acquittal information for decision-making.
He highlighted this while presenting his 2015 district services improvement program (DSIP) acquittal reports in Port Moresby last Friday.
Yagama said there is a high turnover of provinces, districts and LLGs bringing documents containing acquittal reports in bulk which costs resources and are time consuming.
“Today, we are in a digital world, we should compile our acquittal reports in a digital format so that we can save it in a flash drive, CDs, external hard disk or other mode of devices that we can present the same report to other government departments and agencies for compliance. The information is there, you don’t have to go through volumes of volumes of documents. It is waste of time go through large volumes of documents, by having this we can cut down the work load. We have to do away with the paper work thing of compiling reports,” he stressed.
He said digital reporting would thus open up entirely new possibilities and also raises fundamental issues in relation to serving multiple stakeholders, meeting decision-making needs and achieving transparency.
The first time MP while presenting his report highlighted that Usino Bundi is one of the difficult district in Madang Province to administer.
Yagama said captured under his Usino-Bundi five-year district development plan, his priority focused is based on two sectors, transport and education infrastructures where much of his DSIP funds has been expanded.
“Our priority is having a well-educated young generation that will indirectly assist to alleviate poverty, create employment, utilise available fertile land, and participate in the ongoing mining activities in the district and nation building as a whole,” he said.
He said the district had sponsored well over 528 students in all recognized universities around the country and other institutions providing opportunity for the unfortunate.
In terms of road and bridges, Upper Bundi/Yandera to Kundiawa road which had been closed to traffic for 15 years was recently open paving way for people living there to access basic needs government services.
Others such as Usino junction to Mondia to link Madang sea port with highlands provinces and Baiyer River Bridge which is expected to complete in May this year.
The Usino Bundi district was allocated K8 million DSIP funds last year (2015), and K1 million as district housing with health and education infrastructure funding of K2.5 million.
Press statement
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