Sir Michael condemns actions of police at UPNG

The Governor of East Sepik Sir Michael Somare has condemned the actions of police this morning, Wednesday 8 June 2016 at the UPNG campus.
Sir Michael said, "It is inexcusable that unarmed students are fired upon by police as they prepare to peacefully march on to parliament.
"We need to establish who gave the orders for policemen to inflict harm on unarmed students. What warranted police to surround the campus in the first instance? Is the University safeguarding the interest of our young people?
"I call on police to stand down in the interest of the public, you are not there to protect the interest of individual politicians. I have
never used the police for my own interest during my time in office and nor should any other individual holding office. It is a bad precedent
for our emerging democracy.
"I also call on Commissioner Gari Baki to call his men to stand down. He cannot protect the prime minister anymore at the expense of security and safety of the general public.
"I am informed by members of the public and staff that there have been numerous reactions following the actions of police at UPNG and I understand Lae City is also on high alert.
"The government of the day has to be very careful in the steps that they will be taking to protect our democracy and the security of our people. I strongly suggest that Mr Peter O'Neill diffuse this
situation by stepping down from the Office of the Prime Minister.
"In issuing this statement I want to state categorically that I have no intention to run in the next election my concern stems from the fact that as a senior Papua New Guinean I do not want our country to come undone because leaders are abusing their office at the expense of
our people," said Sir Michael.
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