UNESCO calls for nominations

Secretary General of PNG National Commission for UNESCO, Andrew Angobe when announcing this said the theme for 2016 prize is the "Use of ICT in education for the disadvantaged groups."
MrAngobe said the Education 2030 agenda attaches high importance to equity in education.
It calls on the international and national stakeholders to make necessary interventions and create innovations to assist individuals and groups facing educational hardships, whether due to limited access to schools and learning resources, low quality education, or other disadvantages that impede education.
"Remarkably in this age the rise in digital tools has bridged the learning divides between the privileged and the unprivileged alike.
"At this juncture stand women and girls, people with disabilities and refugees who are given less or no access to all forms of education, and accessing education through the use of ICTs is recognised as a step forward in the right direction assuring inclusive and equitable education for all," he said.
For more information, contact MrAngobe on 301 3589/ 72229088 or by email: Andrew_Angobe@education.gov.pg for application forms. Additional information can also be obtained from the UNESCO website, www.unesco.org.
The deadline for nominations is 30th September 2016.
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