NRL with GE inspire PNG’s school children to lead healthy, active lives

Since the announcement of GE’s partnership with the National Rugby League (NRL) in early June this year, the NRL Wellbeing program has quickly proven to be a winner, attracting positive comments from both students and teachers alike.
NRL PNG Wellbeing Officers have been rolling out the league’s Wellbeing program across schools in PNG, focusing on key messages to inform and inspire primary school students to choose a healthy lifestyle. The program uses Wellbeing resources that are gender inclusive and culturally relevant in the PNG context, and aims to inform students on healthy lifestyle choices, providing clear links between physical activity, nutrition and mental wellness.
Miss Ume, a senior teacher at Sacred Heart Primary School has been impressed by the way the students have responded to the Wellbeing sessions. “The children have really responded to the lessons in the program and how they are being delivered by Wellbeing officers. They love rugby (league) and when they see their favourite players in the resource materials, they get excited and respond positively. We are now using the NRL/GE Wellbeing Resource as an assessment for our Physical Education subject which is a bonus for us”
Grade 5 student Benjamin Sia, also from the Sacred Heart Primary added, ”I am happy to learn about Wellbeing because it will make me become more responsible with my health.” When asked about what he liked most of the program he said, “I like rugby (league) and watch NRL on TV all the time. That’s why I like reading about NRL rugby league players like David Mead and what they do to keep healthy and strong.”
GE has a history in PNG that spans over sixty years and have contributed toward building local capability through technology, and supporting PNG in key areas of development including wider access to energy, water treatment and healthcare. During that time, the company has witnessed the growing enthusiasm for rugby league in the country and have been inspired to support the Wellbeing program as part of its PNG Community program.
“GE is pleased to partner with the NRL to deliver the Wellbeing program in schools, as we see that it captures the influence of the sport to inspire the young leaders of tomorrow to make healthy life choices”, said GE In-Country Manager Peter Loko.
Since 2014, the NRL has been supporting teachers promote key health and Wellbeing messages to over 40,000 students.
“The NRL Wellbeing program has brought rugby league in PNG to a whole new level and in a different context”, said Michael Asensio, NRL Pacific Program Manager. “We are now utilising its popular following on the field and focusing it into the classroom environment, via bilingual resources that addresses outcomes of the Standard Based Syllabus of PNG”, he added.
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