K2 milion Manumanu land deal inquiry set to begin

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill announced that the inquiry will begin as early as tomorrow after NEC appointed John Griffin, Queens Council of the Queensland Bar to head investigations.
“Because of an ongoing legal battle in the High Court of PNG questioning the legality of the establishment of Commissions of Inquiry, NEC has opted to have an inquiry that is administrative in nature,” said Mr. O’Neill.
PM O’Neill said the appointment of the inquiry, however won’t prevent on-going investigations that are now before the Police Fraud Squad, Ombudsman Commission and Department of Personnel Management.
Mr. O’Neill has assured the nation that he will make sure the recommendations of the inquiry are tabled in parliament and appealed to the citizens and all parties to have respect for the rule of law.
The inquiry will take 4 weeks to be completed starting tomorrow.
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