PNG is a Christain nation yet leaders are morally corrupt :Polye

Mr Polye said with Godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding, there should be no excuse for its citizens suffer due to being deprived of basic goods and services.
“Our people and their leaders must believe in God. Critics may say Don you are not a pastor. Why are you talking about God? No way, I must talk about HIM because Christians must know more about God than their pastors.
“When politicians do not have godly characters in him or herself, the country dooms. When they pray at the floor of Parliament without their hearts, the country regresses. Politicians wanted to get the support of the Christians and brought in 406 years old Bible. You will find that politicians are cursed.
“Politicians should not be ashamed of talking about decay in morality in the country. We must not hide God’s name here. The United States presidents do not openly talk about Him but praise Him as well. Those Western countries have become greater because they belief in God. PNG should be the same,” he told a crowd in Chimbu’s Karamui station on Saturday (March 18).
He said Prime Minister and Opposition Leader should not have an excuse to mismanage the country’s economy, adding the Ministers of Cabinet should not also have an excuse to make the people of Karamui and others go poor.
“Politicians should not have an excuse to legislate bad laws to make our people suffer. God created us in his own IMAGE. We are proud of that. We must have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding because we were created like HIMSELF. With these, the country should have flourished and prospered. We should be happy and rejoice. God is wonderful. I believe in God,” he said.
Polye said he believed in himself that God had given wisdom, understanding and knowledge that he would become the next Prime Minister.
The United States of America, he stated, is great because they belief in God.
“When I become the next Prime Minister, I will make our citizens become real Christians. They should be prepared to die for God and fight against the wrong in the country,” he said.
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