ExxonMobile PNG thanks its community development partners

ExxonMobil PNG Managing Director Andrew Barry acknowledged the many development partners the company works with including community organisations, government agencies, NGOs and aid agencies.
“Our approach has always been to build partnerships to identify, define and prioritise potential programs to deliver results that meet stakeholder needs” said Barry.
“Through a range of innovative and strategic community programs we are using our combined talents to improve access to education and health care, elevate women’s initiatives, enhance livelihoods and protect the country’s extraordinary biodiversity.
“Witnessing the achievements of our partners have been some of my greatest moments at ExxonMobil PNG. The results speak for themselves and support a shared vision to contribute to societal development in line with the country’s sustainable development goals.
A number of organisations showcased and spoke about the work they were doing in partnership with ExxonMobil PNG.
Esmie Sinapa said it was a unique opportunity to partner with ExxonMobil to help improve living standards in their respective community development sectors. Ms Sinape developed and is implementing an innovative leadership and governance training program for school boards of management in Central Province under a Public Private Partnership arrangement, between ExxonMobil PNG Limited, the Central Provincial Government and Esmie Sinapa Development Consultants. “The journey is rewarding and one of growth for many of us,” she said.
Mr Barry concluded by thanking everyone present. “On behalf of ExxonMobil PNG, I would like thank you for your support and partnership throughout 2017. 2018 will be an exciting and busy year with APEC coming up, we must continue to work together to deliver programs that are efficient, drive positive development and will benefit the livelihood of Papua New Guineans for the long-term.”
Since 2014, ExxonMobil PNG has invested over K820 million in community and infrastructure development programs focused on education, health, women’s empowerment, environment and agriculture.
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