PNG to recruit Medical Doctors from Cuba
Mr. O'Neill told local media that doctors, including those from Cuba, were needed in many parts of the country to help improve health services.
“Sickness is not just confined to one area or region. We need doctors throughout the country,” he said.
“So once the medical board and the national department of health clear the recruitment process, we will bring in the Cuban doctors.”
Cuban President Raul Castro, in a meeting with O’Neill in 2016, had agreed to provide PNG with doctors.
They signed a memorandum of understanding for Cuba to assist in the PNG health workforce, health research and training, medicines and medical supplies and technology, financing, information and communication technology, assets and infrastructure.
Health and HIV-Aids Minister Sir Puka Temu said they were working towards improving health services in the country.
“The new cancer facility, kidney and cardiac facility at the Port Moresby General Hospital is progressing well and will be completed soon,” he said.
“The Government continues to provide the budget and the infrastructure to help improve health services in the country, and will soon bring in Cuban doctors to serve in the country.” The National/PNG Today
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