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The National Department of Health has revealed that PNG is among the high-risk nations of contracting the coronavirus.

Acting Health Secretary Dr. Paison Dakulala said this is because PNG is located in the Asia - Pacific region.

Dr. Dakulala made the remarks yesterday, as PNG joins the world in stepping up efforts to contain this deadly virus.

The Health Department has assured the nation that measures are in place and citizens must not panic.

"We are in close proximity and there is a lot of travel from China and the flow of travelers to and from China, so that's the reason why we are one of the high-risk nations,'' said Dr. Dakulala.

Meantime the Acting Health Secretary said it's better for provinces to work with the National Government to prevent the coronavirus from entering PNG.

He said this, following questions raised on the travel ban imposed on Chinese nationals by the Provincial Governments of East Sepik and Northern, amid concerns over the deadly virus.

Dr. Dakulala said the Health Department, with its partner and other government agencies, are doing all they can at the national level to address this.

NBC News / PNG Today

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PNG Economy to be affected by Coronavirus outbreak

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