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PAC inquires into the sale of PNG old Parliament House and Land

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has found that the initial submission for the sale and redevelopment of the Old Parliament House in Port Moresby, was made by the Lands Department under the then Minister, Sir Puka Temu.

This was after Lands Secretary, Benjamin Samson told the Committee on Monday he was not aware of which department made the submission.

The National Executive Council submission was made after the Lamana Group of Companies made a proposal to develop Section 8, allotment 11, and rebuild a replica of the Old Parliament House for free.

It was revealed that an NEC submission was made, where directives were given for the land to be given to the Lamana Group without any Public Tender, which is the normal practice in cases of land acquisition.

This week, the P-A-C made inquiries into the sale of the Old Parliament House following numerous public complaints.

It found that the building constructed by the Lamana Group is not a replica of the Old Parliament House and is very small compared to other business developments done by the company.

The P-A-C is now trying to find out how the land was sold, and if proper processes were followed.

The Inquiry will continue next Wednesday.

NBC News / PNG Today

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