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Immigration Refers PNG Citizen affected by COVID-19 in Laos to SOE Controller

Immigrations Minister Wesley Nukunds has confirmed his department has received reports of a Papua New Guinean man in Laos who has tested positive for COVID-19.

But Minster Nukunds says after Immigrations picked up the information it elevated it to the attention of the State Of Emergency Controller, who is the right person to give further directions to deal with this.

Mr Nukunds says information is available for the team to trace who was with him on the flight from PNG to Singapore, and Air Niugini will provide details of which province in PNG he flew in from to Port Moresby and onto Singapore.

According to a report from Laotian Times, the 55-year-old man, a citizen of Papua New Guinea, is an employee of Phu Bia Mining.

Laotian Times reports, according to a report in the official Lao government website for Covid-19 updates, the man exhibited symptoms of Covid-19 including coughing and difficulty breathing and was subsequently tested at Vientiane’s Mittaphab “150 Bed” Hospital, one of the hospitals designated for coronavirus testing.

The man had traveled to Laos from Papua New Guinea via Singapore on 22nd March, then transited through Thailand on 23rd March, before staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane Capital.

From there he traveled to work at Phu Bia in a minivan with eleven other passengers.

Minister Nukunds has suspended rumors that the man was to be evacuated back to PNG, saying he will have to undergo quarantine and isolation procedures in Laos.

Next :

Port Moresby Governor Pakop wants flights from border provinces limited

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