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PNG High Court Stops Parliament Sittings

The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court has stayed the purported parliament sitting tomorrow following deliberations in court today.

This happened a while after four adjournments dealing with different procedural issues.

The 5 men bench made the decision at 4:40pm this afternoon.

In addition, the stayed application also covered the decision of the 20th of April 2021 sitting adjournment by the government.

Lawyers representing Peter O'Neill who is the applicant in the Supreme Court Reference have agreed with the interveners the Attorney Generals Office and the Parliament Speaker to allow the court to use its inherent {original} powers to stay the parliament proceeding tomorrow.

This will give time to the parties to address the court properly on questions put to them regarding the actions of the Speaker to reconvene parliament on the 17th of November.


Next : PNG High Court says O'Neill has a Standing, proceeds with Hearing Substantive Matter

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