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Former PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill Committed to Stand Trial

 Former Papua New Guinea Prime Minister and Ialibu Pangia MP Peter O'Neill has been committed to stand trial for fraud related charges at the National Court

The Waigani Committal Court Magistrate Tracey Ganaii made the ruling this morning after finding sufficient evidence on O’Neill’s two charges of misappropriation and official corruption.

Other charge of conspiracy to defraud was dismissed after the court found that there was insufficient evidence.

​Mr O’Neill was charged and arrested and charged in May this year for the purchase of two Israeli generators while he was in power

Police alleged that when O’Neill was prime minister, he had directed payments for the purchase of the two generators from Israel without due consideration for procurement processes … without the approval by the parliament and without any tender process.

The generators cost 50 million kina

The court found that O’Neill did not comply with the appropriate processes of the Compliance Act and approval by the National Executive Council to use K50 million of the 2013 budget to pay for the first half of the K94 million payment.

The matter returns on December 9th for his response.

FM100/ PNG Today

Next : PNG High Court Stops Parliament Sittings

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