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President of France Emmanuel Macron Visits PNG's tourist Attraction site Variarata National Park

The President of France Emmanuel Macron is the first international leader to ever set foot at one of Papua New Guinea's popular tourist attraction site - the Variarata National Park at Sogeri, in Central Province.

The French President visited the Park  on Thursday and was greeted by traditional dancing groups from the Hiri-Koairi district.

Mr. Macron was welcomed by Prime Minister James Marape , Member for Hiri Koiari Keith Iduhu and other senior State ministers.

The leaders then took a 30 minute walk up to the Look Out Point to see the vast natural environment.

This is part of their efforts to be champions of forest.

The two leaders will also use the opportunity to discuss various issues, ranging from Climate Change,  forest conversation and investment among others, before returning to APEC House for the bilateral meeting.

Photo by NBC News

NBC New / PNG Today 

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