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Hungarian president arrives to red-carpet reception in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

 HUNGARIAN President, Katalin Novák and her delegation were yesterday accorded a red-carpet reception in Port Moresby at the beginning of a State visit.

The purpose of her trip is to visit the Maria Molnar Training Centre, a Christian music and Bible school in Manus.

The visit also signifies her commitment to fostering bilateral relations between the governments of PNG and Hungary.

Novák was welcomed by Prime Minister James Marape and National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop, Chief of Protocol Noel Leana and Motu-Koitabu chairman Dadi Toka.

She was accorded a 21-gun salute and inspected a guard of honour by the PNG Defence Force.

“I am grateful for the warm gesture as I have travelled a long way to visit PNG.

“This gives me great pleasure to see everyone acknowledging my presence,” she said.

Novak is expected to travel to Manus today to visit the Maria Molnar Training Centre and hold talks with local officials.

Marape in a statement earlier said: “Manus is known for the friendliness of its people, its pristine waters and coral reefs and relaxing environment.

“We would like to use this opportunity to promote Manus to the world through the President’s visit, by making use of the media attention she is bringing with her.”

Novak departs the country tomorrow (Friday).

Meanwhile, The National Executive Council (NEC) has appointed Member for Kikori and Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Hon. Soroi Eoe as Acting Governor General in the absence of Governor General Sir Bob Dadae and Speaker Job Pomat. 

Minister Eoe stepped in immediately as Acting Governor General to welcome Her Excellency Ms. Katalin Novák, President of Hungary and her delegation to Papua New Guinea at the Government House, yesterday.

Acting Governor General Eoe expressed that the visit by President Novák is significant as it is the first ever State Visit by a Hungarian President to Papua New Guinea since PNG’s establishment of its diplomatic relations on the 18th of January, 1997. 

“While we still have a lot to do in terms of our relationship which I am sure will gain momentum, we have already been connected through our Christian faith which PNG is very grateful for"

“Hungary’s contribution to our Christian faith and development through the early missionaries in the likes of Late Ms. Maria Molnar, who dedicated her life to serving the people of Manus Province during the early civilization period is very much valued” 

“Your visit Excellency, to the Province will surely enhance and strengthen that people-to-people connection that was established then by late Ms. Molnar”

Acting Governor General Eoe assured President Novák and her 25 delegates that the people of Manus will as they always give a warm traditional welcome upon arrival with the beat of the slit drum “garamut”. 

President Novák and her delegates will travel to Manus today for a visit and will finally leave PNG on Friday, 27th October 2023. 

Statement / The National / PNG Today

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