Australia Defence Force mentors support PNG army expansion
Head of Australian Defence Staff in PNG, Colonel Dick Parker, said the mentoring through the Defence Cooperation Program directly supports PNGDF Commander Brigadier General Gilbert Toropo’s intent for a more professional and capable defence force.
“The relationship developed between Australian and PNG personnel allows for exchange of ideas and experiences, leading to mutual learning and the development of strong and lasting relationships,” Col Parker said.
According to the PNG Defence White Paper, the PNGDF would need to increase recruitment and aim to double the number of army personnel from 2500 to 5000 in 2017, reaching 10,000 by 2030.
The PNGDF is increasing training at the Goldie River Training Depot. The Australian team is mentoring the Recruit Company and supporting recruit training.
The recent PNGDF Basic Recruit Course involved 120 trainees undertaking 12 weeks of training. The Australian team supported the delivery of training for six weeks, providing feedback and advice on the training design, methods of delivery, logistical planning and other areas to improve efficiency.
Thirty of the 120 recruits were females, which is the largest single intake since 2009 when women were first allowed to serve in the PNGDF.
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