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Guard Dog denies involvement in Lae shooting

The Guard Dog Security Services has denied any involvement in the fatal shooting of a young mother of two, Moanna Pisimi, in Lae on New Year's Day.
In an official statement, signed by Managing Director and founder, Dennis Bux, the company says its guards on duty were NOT carrying any firearms, when the incident happened in the early hours of January 1st.
It said, the vehicle in question had knocked down the entrance gate to a property manned by Guard Dog, and had driven off at high speed.
It said, a security vehicle later followed, in an attempt to talk to the driver, and proceed together to the Lae Central Police Station.
Guard Dog said, the vehicle however sped past the police station, after which police vehicles gave chase through Top Town to China Town and towards Malahang Industrial Centre and back road.
It said the vehicle in question went off the main road onto a dirt service road, opposite the Majestic Seafood Complex.
Guard Dog said, at this point, their security vehicle stopped, and the leading police vehicle took over the chase, until the vehicle in question stopped at a ditch, 180 metres from where the Guard Dog vehicle was parked.
It said, police fired shots then tried to apprehend the driver, but the vehicle in question tried to get away from the police, who again fired shots.
Guard Dog said, the vehicle in question stopped, and police found the young woman's body.
The company urges the public NOT to speculate further until police complete their investigations.

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