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Assylum Seekers on Manus Island will be processed under PNG law: Kua

Asylum seekers living in the Manus Detention Centre will be governed and processed under the laws of Papua New Guinea.

Attorney General Kerenga Kua clarified this to the nation on Sunday.

"The whole thing, processing, is taking place within the ambit of Papua New Guinea law, not Australian law.

"That must be understood very very clearly.

"So all decision will be taken under Papua New Guinea law.

"All criteria that have been developed at the moment will be developed under PNG law and all decision making people will be people empowered under Papua New Guinea law and this will mean, Papua New Guinea public servants and Papua New Guinean political leader.

"So everything is based on Papua New Guinea law," Minister Kua said

The Attorney General was responding to the Oppositions statement last week that police officers in PNG don't have anything to do with the asylum program which is an Australian issue. NBC

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