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PNG's Commissioner Kulunga concerned about police brutality

Press Statement by Police Media Unit Friday 250113

Commissioner Kulunga concerned about police brutality

Commissioner of Police Tom Kulunga has expressed grave concern over the recent media reports of police brutality and has urged his senior officers to take control of the situation.

Commissioner Kulunga yesterday called an urgent meeting between senior officers to address the issue. Present at the meeting was Acting Deputy Commissioner Operations Mr Simon Kauba, Acting Deputy Commissioner Administration, Commander NCD-Central ACP Jim Andrews, Chief Superintendent Peter Guiness, Director SSD Chief Superintendent David Manning, Deputy Director SSD Kua, Chief Superintendent Jerry Frank, Director Community Policing, and Inspector Saun from the Internal Affairs Directorate.

“I don’t know about you people but I am ashamed of the actions of our men,” Commissioner Kulunga said, and urged the officers to take control of the policemen and policewomen under their command.

He also directed the various commanders including Police Internal Affairs to immediately investigate the police brutality cases as reported by the media.

“Create a file on all those cases as reported in the media and investigate,” Mr Kulunga told Inspector Saun from the Internal Affairs.

During the meeting it was found that accountability of all police personnel was a major problem, with there being too many unidentified units operating in unmarked vehicles.

Commander Andrews said, “We have 1,000 members within the NCD. I’d like to know who they are and where they are.”

As a measure to take control of the situation and upon Commissioner Kulunga’s instructions, Commander Andrews has issued the following directives which are to take effect immediately within the NCD where most of the reports of police brutality allegedly occurred:
• All tints will be taken off police vehicles;
• Unmarked police vehicles will be taken off the road or fitted with government number plates;
• All eight police stations will be commanded by a commissioned officer;
• Reintroduction of discipline parades every Wednesdays; and
• All police reservists to be given a “Dispension of Services Notice” and stood down.

Mr Andrews assured the Commissioner that he will take charge of the situation and deal with the rogue elements of the Constabulary.

“I will assess the performance, capabilities and commitment of my officers and if they are not up to it then I will get rid of them,” Mr Andrews said.

Commander Andrews also said he will be setting up toll free numbers and also publish the mobile telephone numbers of the senior officers within his command so any member of the public can call them if they are subjected to such abuse by policemen.

On the reservist issue Chief Superintendent Frank has assured Commissioner Kulunga that as per the Commissioner’s directive reservists are being stood down nation-wide.

Meanwhile Chief Superintendent Guiness said the article on the front page of the Post-Courier about a policeman assaulting his wife was incorrect as Peter Marai is not a policeman. He said the matter was reported and is being investigated.

Mr Guiness expressed concern about the forced eviction of the family from their home at Hohola. He said it is rather sad the incident occurred but stressed that police were engaged to assist another citizen with all the documents of ownership and a valid order from the court.

Mr Guiness said the matter is now being investigated and action will be take where appropriate. However he expressed concern about the courts granting Exparte Orders in such cases.

“I will be speaking to the courts and this practice must be stopped. The courts must hear both sides before issuing such orders,” Chief Superintendent Guiness said, adding that it will prevent such incidents was occurring. He appealed to Papua New Guineans to be considerate to their fellow citizens.

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