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To Hon. Nixon Duban, Member for Madang Open & Minister for Police,


21st January 2013

Dear Hon. Nixon Duban, Member for Madang Open & Minister for Police,

Firstly, I congratulate you for your win in last year’s election.
I live in Madang and for the past 15 years I have taught IT education at Divine Word University and other universities in PNG and overseas.
While living in Madang I have held positions in various sporting codes and they include:
As President of Madang Kickboxing Association;
As Vice President of PNG National Kickboxing Association;
As Vice President of Madang Basketball Association;
As General Secretary to Madang Soccer Association;
As Representative of National Soccer League for Madang Province;
Founded and established the Madang Souths Soccer Club;
Founded and established the Madang Souths Basketball club;
Founded and established Diwai Futsol inside Divine Word University.

I have published wide in my chosen field and recently published and launched the book titled ‘RUNGI-SI TRAPPED IN THE THREE WORLDS’ at Madang Country Club in 2011. This book was officially launched by Hon. James Marape.

I also own a security company called Armed Security Services Ltd, Edweb Real Estate and Edweb Hire Cars.

So Hon. Minister, I have exposed myself to many areas of responsibilities and I love doing what I like doing to the best of my ability.

As a senior citizen of Madang town, I want to bring to your attention some very important issues that confront this province and drastic measures are required.

Many unaccounted foreigners particular those of Asian descendants are coming and settling into Madang province without proper scrutiny by concerned government authorities.
For the last 5 years, some of them have been living in containers and many not speaking English language. They have now ventured into many illegal business activities that include illegal fishing & diving, selling of alcohol in the villages and roadsides, stealing state land by compromising with Lands dept. One of the visible proof to that is the blue coloured buildings and there is one of that built inside the Madang Town Council property, adjacent to BAT.
It appears now that a lot of people which I presume are getting sickness due to the consumption of cooked food bought from the Asian stores. These cooked food are then resold the next day when customers don’t buy them. How do we monitor the cooked food sales when our health inspectors are not available and not effectively managed?
How does the government allow Passports/Visas when one of the requirements to enter PNG is being able to speak English or one of our linqua francas? The communication barrier is certainly a hindrance to social relationship, which in return sparks conflicts between our local people and the Asians.
In Madang alone, it appears that there are more Asians than any other provinces particularly the highlands region. The highlands provinces (SHP, ENGA, WHP, EHP and SIMBU) have effectively chased a lot of these illegal Asians doing business and Madang is now targeted and it appears to have become a safe haven for them. One main reason as to why they choose Madang is because Madang people are peace loving, complacent, not very arrogant, not very resistive and they see us as ‘dreamers’. We do not bark at Asians and instead accept what they do here and my Hon. Minister see for yourself how many of them will be in restaurants and hotels in Madang in the night. I have proven myself that there are alien Asians I have never see them during the day in shopping centres, public places, etc…and even the Madang Chamber of Commerce and other relevant organizations in Madang cannot be able to track down such chain of operation.
Hon. Minister, my fear in the next few years is that the Asians will monopolize and dominate business activities in Madang.
Hon. Minister, it is very important that we constantly check on the operation of Madang police because some of them are protecting the interests of the Asian, giving high priority to them than any nationals or the very people where the police are required to serve. There are rumours that most police vehicles are funded by Asians through the purchase of fuels, free lunch, etc… If these rumours are true then we need to check and set up an investigation so that we produce a corrupt-free police operation in Madang.
On the same note, it appears that police conduct unwanted and unauthorized road blocks along North Coast Road and even roads leading to Transgogol. Money collected is not receipted. This is a day light robbery conducted by our policemen using state vehicle, state uniform and state guns. There are more PMV owners and travelling public complaining so bitterly about the unauthorized roadblocks and proper investigation is required to establish trust and quality performance of our police.
Our waters, bays and sea are now unprotected in Madang. We do not have customs, transport and other state agency officers patrolling our waters. Consequently, we have seen many foreigners using our water for fish and other sea food. It is now been reported that foreigners living in Madang are using fishing vessels, doing deep sea diving hunting for sea food and selling them at Asian owned restaurants and food outlets.
There have been reported cases of foreigners/Asians drinking out in the seas, making pornographies with our local girls and certainly trade drugs/marijuana which is a criminal offense.
How can the local people who depend on their waters for fish and other everyday life when foreign owned boats and fishing vessels are seen fishing at Maiwara/Vidar bay, Alexishafen, Rempi coastlines and even as far as Karkar islands?
My Hon. Minister, as a minister responsible, I appeal to you to clean up this province and I know you cannot do that by yourself. You need to discuss these issues with the Madang Governor and your other brother MPs from Madang.
If only we conduct a thorough investigation and reveal some of these corrupt and criminal practices then we should be heading to what your government is embarking on and that is identifying illegal activities, corrupt policemen and women and deporting illegal Asians doing business.
I may be seen as anti-Asian, or anti police but as a Madang citizen, I feel it is about time writing you a formal letter expressing my thoughts on what is happening and assisting your government to stamp out such illegal business chain operations in PNG.
My Hon. Minister, no MP in Madang has proven to be a successful MP when dealing with the issues I have highlighted. And therefore, it may become very difficult for you but it is worth trying because it is Madang people that have been heavily victimized.
Finally, I am thankful that I have shared these thoughts with you.

Signed: -----------------------
Christopher Papiali
Mobile: 72111918
Email: edwebconsultants@yahoo.com.au

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