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This week in Gossip

Lady Gaga lets rip at her former assistant, Beyonce proves that even superstar's are human like the rest of us, and while she's not a Kardashian, Kylie Jenner shows she's a lot like her famous half-sisters.
Lady Gaga: Image: Yahoo.com

She never veers far away from the headlines, but Lady Gaga made column inches this week with her unorthodox approach to a pending lawsuit.
Gaga’s former personal assistant, Jennifer O’Neill, is suing the star for remuneration for overtime for which she claims she was left unpaid. O’Neill, a former friend of the singer, is after cash for over 7,000 hours of unpaid overtime, during which she served at Gaga’s ‘beck and call’ from 2009 and 2011. She claims the star owes her close to $480,000.
The lawsuit forced Gaga to spend six hours giving testimony for the case in a Manhattan lawyer’s office last week, and the singer was typically frank with her thoughts about the case.
The singer referred to her former friend as "f--king hood rat who is suing me for money that she didn’t earn.
"She’s just - she thinks she’s just like the queen of the universe," Gaga told lawyers associated with the case according to the New York Post. "And, you know what, she didn’t want to be a slave to one, because in my work and what I do, I’m the queen of the universe every day."
Gaga declared she pays her entourage no overtime as standard, and that O’Neill "knew exactly what she was getting into, and she knew there was no overtime, and I never paid her overtime the first time I hired her, so why would she be paid overtime the second time?
"This whole case is bulls--t, and you know it.
"I’m quite wonderful to everybody that works for me, and I am completely aghast to what a disgusting human being that you have become to sue me like this," she said of O’Neill.
"Because she slept in Egyptian cotton sheets every night, in five-star hotels, on private planes, eating caviar, partying with [photographer] Terry Richardson all night, wearing my clothes, asking YSL [Yves Saint Laurent] to send her free shoes without my permission, using my YSL discount without my permission."
Gaga said her friend was ‘majorly unqualified’ for her $90,000 a year job, and claimed all her staff only work an eight hour day – just not over eight consecutive hours.
Quite what qualifications a rock star’s assistant would need besides shutting up and doing what they were told I’m not quite sure, but the singer claimed a good one "is somebody that can anticipate what you need before you need it."
Gaga pointed out to lawyers that Jennifer frequently slept until midday, forcing the star to undertake the arduous task of unpacking some of her own bags. The final straw came for her hapless assistant when she took one of only two beds on the singer’s private jet, bound for Paris, and refused to share her abundance of pillows.
While the singer admitted O’Neill earned ‘every penny’ of her salary, the thought of a six-figure payout had her most unhappy.
"I’m not going to give it to her so she can go to Intermix and buy herself a new tube top," she sniped.
In her own deposition O’Neill claimed she was made to sleep in a bed with her pop star boss as Gaga didn’t like to be alone, moaning that the arrangement left her "no chance to have sex if I wanted to have sex. There was no chance to do anything.
"She might have said I need some tea, I need — can you get my computer for me, can you get my phone, my battery is dead, I need a tampon, the toilet doesn’t flush," O’Neill said.
"Another thing she would do in the middle of the night, would be wake me up to have me change the DVD in the DVD player because she didn’t want to watch that DVD any more and she couldn’t get up to walk across the room to change the DVD herself."
Lady Gaga. Image: Yahoo.com

Beyonce set Super Bowl Sunday on fire earlier this week with an amazing half time performance which left fans, footballers and celebrities looking on in awe. A couple of days later the superstar singer proved she can be human just like the rest of us.
American website Buzzfeed published screeds of the photos taken of Beyonce’s performance including 33 of the less flattering ones which depicted the singer pulling faces, crotch thrusting into the camera and with bulging arm and leg muscles.
Beyonce looks fantastic in the midst of one of her fiercest performances ever, very Tina Turner-esque, but even a superstar mustn’t be that keen on photos which leave her looking less than perfect.
Soon afterwards Buzzfeed was contacted by Beyonce’s publicist requesting ‘respectfully’ that it pull down the ‘unflattering’ pictures of the singer, and particularly pointing out seven as ‘the worst’. Buzzfeed left the photos up, but reports have since claimed the offending shots are no longer available to media for purchase.
Not that anyone seemed bothered by her appearance during the show.
"Lights out Any questions??" tweeted the singer’s husband Jay-Z, referring to the power outage which struck the New Orleans stadium not long after Beyonce’s performance.
Tweeted Kim Kardashian: "OMG Beyonce killed it And when Destiny’s Child came out…that made my life! #Bootylicious."
Carrie Underwood: "...and @Beyonce just made all the rest of us singers look stupid! In the most awesome way possible! Way to work it! #BestEverHalftimeShow"
Justin Timberlake: "Yes, B. Yes. Roasted that… #KINGBEY."
Even the First Lady of the United States was full of praise for the singer, whom her husband Barack Obama says ‘could not be a better role model’ for the couple’s daughters.
"Watching the #SuperBowl with family & friends. @Beyonce was phenomenal!" Tweeted Michelle Obama.
The super-skimpy leather leotard Beyonce wore during her Super Bowl performance could well have banned if the singer wore it to the upcoming Grammy Awards.
The CBS network, set to televise the awards this Monday (NZ time) from Los Angeles, has issued a comprehensive wardrobe advisory memo to all attendees. The memo has been dubbed sexist as it requests a number of cover ups for the female form without any restrictions on the men who may be present.
It arrived with an image attached of Pink performing at the 2010 Grammys in a skimpy leotard and, one assumes, an example of what not to wear.
"Buttocks and female breasts [must be] adequately covered," specifies the email, which then further requests that performers "please avoid exposing bare fleshy under curves of the buttocks and buttock crack."
"Please be sure the genital region is adequately covered so that there is no visible ‘puffy’ bare skin exposure," it continued.
"Bare sides or under curvature of the breasts" are also problems, and women are also to avoid "sheer see-through clothing that could possibly expose female breast nipples."
But male breast nipples are perfectly acceptable?
Those running the broadcast have been instructed to avoid televising attendees who refuse to meet the dress standards issued.
High necked blouses for everyone!
Image: Yahoo .com

Kylie Jenner is not a Kardashian, but the 15 year old certainly shares her half sisters’ fiery nature.
Kylie has hit out at media and online trolls who have reported rumours that Bruce Jenner is not her biological father.
"It sickens me how editors of a magazine can proudly write a story denying that a 15-year-olds father is actually hers," she Tweeted.
"Yes, my father is my father and no my parents aren't getting a divorce. You guys can't believe any of these magazines. It's all bulls**t.
"And even though I don't let these stories get to my head. Imagine you at 15 & someone telling you your father isn't your father," she continued.
"EWWWW people disgust me. You're all pathetic.
"Wait. But you're ACTUALLY pathetic. Going after a 15-year-old and telling her her father isn't her father. Like WHAT? Are you insane?
"This makes me so mad. And I'm not taking the time to write all this because this hurts me. I'm writing this for the other teens my age."
Kylie’s outburst drew praise from older sisters Kourtney and Kim, neither strangers to online abuse.
"That was some rant @KylieJenner but I just want to say that I am proud and honoured to have you as my sister. What a well spoken young lady!" Tweeted Kourtney.
"I couldn't agree more #soproud," wrote Kim

Yahoo news

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