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Papua New Guinea Reggae star Anslom in US On Familiarization Tour

The surging career of Papua New Guinea (PNG) reggae singer and songwriter, Anslom, has received a ringing endorsement from reggae greats - lead singer of Big Mountain Joaquin “Quino” McWhinney, Third World singer AJ Brown and Aston Barrett Jnr of The Wailers - earning him a seat at the table with reggae artists recognized the world over. 

“I am looking forward to working with Anslom. 

Anslom is poised to become a major player in the recording industry worldwide,” said lead singer of Third World, AJ Brown.

With work currently being done on a 12-track album with The Wailers and a world tour with the Wailers and potentially other reggae greats like Maxi Priest, Big Mountain and Third World in 2024, Anslom looks set to be Papua New Guinea’s first international reggae superstar.

The album with The Wailers are songs about positive messages and spirituality.

Not only is Anslom being recognized internationally in the world of reggae but the PNG government is beginning to see how Anslom’s music can have a direct impact on the country’s tourism industry. 

“I am grateful for the support from the PNG government through the National Gaming Control Board. 

This support will go on to promote PNG on the biggest tourism platform ever done before via music because music is universal and far reaching,” said Anslom.

Anslom’s popularity when the album is released will be a massive platform for tourism opportunities for Papua New Guinea – a topic of discussion that has started between Anslom’s managements in PNG and USA.

Anslom and his PNG producer Emmanuel ‘Toxicmahn’ Muganaua are on a familiarization tour in New York and Florida in USA and are producing cutaways for music videos for the new album with The Wailers. 

Anslom’s managements in PNG and USA have cancelled all tours planned for the end of this year with a strategic focus on completing the album with The Wailers.

According to Anslom’s PNG management, Bassline, Anslom will tour USA, South America and the Caribbean with The Wailers and other reggae greats in 2024 after the album is released.

Kalang FM / PNG Today

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