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The Papua New Guinean government has confirmed speculation that the Manus Island detention centre will be significantly expanded.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has been able to confirm that the centre's capacity will be increased from 200 people to 3,000.

The move is part of a new asylum seeker policy which Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was expected to announce in Brisbane this afternoon.

Manus MP Ronnie Knight posted a message on Facebook a short time ago. 
Asylum center on Manus Island. Getty images

The post said the prime minister advised caucus today the Manus asylum centre will be expanded to accommodate 3,000. 

Prime minister Peter O'Neill has not officially announced the expansion, but he is now en route to Brisbane, where he is expected to join Mr Rudd in formally unveiling the plan. 

There has also been growing speculation the new policy will involve re-settling refugees in Papua New Guinea, not just processing them there.

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