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Israelis to develop Agriculture in PNG

PNG Government  has recently approved a joint venture partnership with an Israel group to develop the agro-industry in Papua New Guinea.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said Cabinet agreed to enter into a strategic partnership with the LR Group of Israel under a joint venture.

Mr O’Neill said under the joint venture agreement the PNG Government and the LR Group were  to immediately develop a dairy farm and production project at the Ilimo Farm in the Central Province and an agro-industry project in the Morobe Province.

"Cabinet also endorsed the inclusion of these two strategic projects in the Government’s Public Investment Program (PIP) for 2014-2017,’’ he said.

"It appointed and directed the State Project Team under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government with representatives of the Department of Prime Minister and NEC, Treasury, National Planning, Attorney-General, Health, Agriculture and Livestock, the Central and Morobe provincial governments (in relation to the projects in their respective provinces) to oversee, negotiate and facilitate the development and implementation of the two projects," he said.

Mr O’Neill said Cabinet directed the Chief Secretary and the Central Agencies Co-ordinating Committee to provide oversight, take all actions required to facilitate approvals and support necessary from all relevant government agencies to implement the Cabinet decision relating to the two strategic projects. "Agriculture is where we can make a real difference to the lives of the majority of our people. Past governments have shared this view. But despite many policy statements, agriculture development plans and funding commitments towards the agriculture sector, we have not seen any change or improvement in the sector," he said.

"Israel is a global leader in agriculture innovation and food security, and the LR Group is at the forefront of that country’s advancement in this sector.

"I’m confident this partnership will unlock PNG’s real potential in agriculture, and grow a sector of the economy that will provide opportunities for our people beyond what other sectors promise."

The Prime Minister said the National Government would establish close consultations with both provincial governments to develop these two initiatives

PNG Today / Post Courier

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