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O'neill: Sacking good for political stability

Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill says the decision to sack coalition leaders and move people around was very hard to make but has to be taken for the sake of political stability.

"These are not regrets but decisions that you don’t wish to make, because they are hard decisions, decisions to move people around especially when they are friends for a long time, but some are brought about by their actions, brought about by circumstances beyond our control and the need to stabiilise governments for the growth of this nation,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said in an interview.

"If we continue the unstable governments, our economy is at risk, investor confidence is at risk and the programs that we have like free education is at risk, health investments we are making, substantial improvements in health, that is at risk, law and order investments that we are making is at risk."

The Prime Minister said all government programs will be at risks because when governments change a new government would have something else to put their own mark on the nation’s development agenda.

"As we have seen in the past those new agendas take time to settle in and when they do by the time you have another change of government , that new government has got different new agendas, so you are going around in this cycle of new government new agenda, and achieving really nothing.

"So in terms of that and for stability I had to make those decisions."

The Prime Minister also praised his People’s National Congress party claiming despite what people say is a stable party that is very aware of its responsibilities to the nation.

"We have a responsibility to honour the trust that people have given to us and we will do it well and with a high sense of responsibility," the Prime Minister said.

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