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Internet exchange point set for PNG

A TWO-day workshop conducted by the National Information and Communication Technology Authority with international support will look into the possibility of setting up an internet exchange point in PNG.

Minister for Information and Communication, Jimmy Mirongtoro, yesterday opened the workshop which will see a close dialogue between the PNG Exchange Point Policy and the Internet Society.

The Internet Society is a global non-profit organisation founded in 1992 to provide leadership in internet-related standards, development and policy with the guiding vision that "the internet is for everyone".

An exchange point simply is a physical location where different internet protocol networks meet to exchange local traffic with each other.

An exchange point generally ensures that online services are equally accessible to all local users, encourages competition and helps improve the quality and affordability of internet services.

Internet use is very expensive in PNG and efforts by NICTA to reduce costs at the wholesale level has had little effect and having an Exchange Point located in PNG would go a long way to reducing internet costs.

Mr Mirongtoro believes that over the next two days, with the help of the Internet Society, we can reach consensus on key issues affecting the development and the growth of the internet in our country.

"I have noted that the Internet Society has carried out similar programs in other parts of the world which are a success and I am optimistic that this two-day event will share the same success," he said.

He welcomed the Internet Society staff from overseas, the director of development strategy (based in America) Jane Coffin, the manager of regional affairs with the Asia-Pacific regional bureau (based in Thailand), Duangthip Chomprang and Philip Smith (based in Australia).
PNG Today / Post Courier

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