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PNG Government endorses minimum wages

The Government has endorsed an increase of K3.20 per hour in minimum wages for workers throughout the country.

Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill announced the National Executive Council decision on wednesday, that cabinet has approved +Minimum Wage Board Determination of K3.20 from the previous K2.29 per hour.

"Yes, cabinet has already approved the recommendations from the Minimum Wages Board and I want to assure workers throughout the country that this government has taken a responsible decision by endorsing the recommendations made by the board to government."

The Prime Minister said this after NEC convened and endorsed the 2013/14 Minimum Wage Determination that was handed down by the Minimum Wages Board.

The news was welcomed by the PNG Trade Union Congress (PNGTUC) on behalf of more than 70 000 minimum wage workers throughout the country.

"In terms of wages in PNG , this has to be one of the sweetest achievement of my entire career in the union movement as I’m sure it is for minimum wage earners and workers," PNGTUC General Secretary John Paska said yesterday.

"The fight to restore minimum wages to adequate levels commenced after the disastrous 1992 Minimum Wage Determination which based its decision purely on ideological lines," Mr Paska said.

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