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Dion: Opposition MPs moving to government good for PNG's forward movement

The Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Leo Dion MP, has welcomed media discussion featuring comments by the Registrar of Political Parties and Candidates, Mr Alphonse Gelu, relating to the dwindling numbers of Opposition Members of Parliament.

The Deputy Prime Minister said it was rare in the Westminster system to see so many Members wishing to be a part of the Government, and this is an expression of confidence in the new direction of the nation.

Mr Dion also noted that public policy debate will continue to be robust with a very vocal Opposition Leader, and the overarching constitutional checks and balances provided through the separation of powers, as well as a free and strong news media.

“The number of Members of Parliament who are with the Government is a reflection of their belief in the leadership and vision of the O’Neil-Dion Government,” Deputy Prime Minister said.

“In three years, under the leadership of PM O’Neill, the Government has delivered a strong and growing economy, it has provided free education and free healthcare, improved public safety and delivered the biggest infrastructure boom in our nation’s history.

“Papua New Guinea is a democracy and you cannot force MPs to join the Opposition.

“Members want to be a part of a Government that is delivering real services and improving the lives of the men, women and children of their electorates.

“The Government has invested more in development at a provincial, district and rural community level than any other government.

“No wonder so many Members want to be a part of this new beginning for Papua New Guinea.

“The Grassroots of our nation believe in the leadership of PM O’Neill and their elected Members are taking notice of the views of their constituents.

“A very important point to also keep in mind is that there are independent and transparent checks and balances in the governance of the nation between the Executive Government, the Parliament and the Judiciary.

“Then there is the further oversight of the ‘fourth estate’ with Papua New Guinea having one of the most vibrant news media sectors in the world.”

“The future of this nation is in good hands with a Government that has clear direction and vision, and our democracy has the maturity and due process to ensure transparency and inclusion as we share in this new beginning.”

PNG Today/ PNG Village

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