Japan envoy to discuss the use of 20 billion yen commitment to PNG

The PNG embassy in Tokyo advised there was an important visitor from Japan who will arrive in Port Moresby today – Yukihiro Wada, the director for Oceania affairs division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Japan.
He is on a follow-up visit to PNG after Mr Abe’s successful visit to PNG on July 10-12.
Mr Wada will be holding discussions with relevant PNG departments and agencies such as Foreign Affairs, National Planning, Prime Minister’s Department and many others on the 20 billion yen (approximately K480 million) commitment for three years made by Mr Abe during his visit.
This is a preliminary visit to exchange views on what can be done with the commitment over the next three years. Japan has on-going aid programs that are being implemented in PNG and there will be new programs coming out of the new commitment.
The PNG Government will have its priorities and the envoy will basically want to hear them and how best the commitment can be utilized over the next three years.
The 20 billion yen will include ODA loans (15 billion yen), grant aid (2.5 billion yen) and technical cooperation (2.5 billion yen). The commitment also covers Japan’s assistance program for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Mr Wada will also travel to Bougainville for discussions with the local authorities there accompanied by officials from Waigani before he returns to Japan.
PNG Today / Post Courier
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