PNG Government to charge foreign vessels

Mr Micah said he will be putting together a committee made up of executives from Transport office, PNG Ports and his office to work together to develop a comprehensive approach that he will bring to Cabinet on the issue of maritime passages by international shipping.
Milne Bay Governor Titus Philemon had asked Micah in Parliament during Question Time to advise if the government could consider charging vessels for using PNG sea passages and archipelagic waters. He said that many international vessels pass through polluting the PNG waters and some also not complying with regulations.
"Can the government consider charging these vessels for using our passages and archipelagic waters because they pass through our waters international ships that pass through with chemicals, oil spill we have already experienced this with Asian Lilly and many people have not been compensated properly," Mr Philemon said.
He also mentioned Cape Vitiaz in Morobe Province and Cape St George in New Ireland and asked if thegovernment could monitor the movement of ships that pass through those PNG sea routes as many international vessels were carrying dangerous cargoes and polluted PNG waters.
"The issue of Jomat Passage is multi-faceted," Mr Micah said.
Jomat Passage is similar to the Suez Canal, very similar to Panama Canal and is similar to a lot of strategic waterways this is a strategic passageway overlooked," he said.
"I want to assure that I am putting together a committee that will work together to develop a comprehensive approach that I will bring to cabinet and look at other areas as well," he said.
"With the increasing resource development, there will be more ships carrying flammable cargo and other mineral with chemicals, spillage and ships run aground that is a big impact and we have not looked at it seriously. I am seriously taking that up with relevant ministers," he said.
PNG Today / Post Courier
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