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The National Department of Health (NDoH) was pleased to being a part of the Medical 
Symposium to celebrate 50 years of the Medical Society in Papua New Guinea with the 
opportunity to look back, to assess progress, and to reflect on the challenges that lie ahead and 
how to overcome these challenges from 2014 going forward. On September 1, 2014 NDoH 
launched PNG’s National Health & HIV Research Agenda and the Health Research Portal.
Dr. Kevin Soli, a Senior Health Systems Researcher from the Health Research Unit of NDoH 
advocated to experienced, novice or future medical researchers both local and international to 
visit the web address: www.hrp.health.gov.pg and register as investigators. “The purpose of 
the health research portal is to improve accountability, efficiency and quality of health 
research conducted in PNG by providing information on all ongoing research and hence 
increasing transparency and by streamlining the ethics review process” Dr. Soli highlighted.
Additionally, benefits include (1) Public access, (2) Tracking and utilisation of research 
outputs by stakeholders and (3) Great tool for learning how to organize research proposals 
and submitting articles to scientific journals. The portal is live but still at infancy however, 
registration of investigators and submission of their research protocols will build the database
content. PNG’s first health research portal is a secure and integrated online management 
system for health research. Research is fundamental for evidence-based policy and decision 
making that will guide successful implementation of the national research priorities. Dr. Soli 
acknowledges Dr. Manju Rani and Mr. Edouard Lavaud from WHO for their collaborative 
effort and technical expertise for developing the web portal including assistance from Dr.
Kitur, Paik Tade, Elis Wafiware, Manah Dindi, Ila Rouka, and Rose Puipui from the 
Performance Monitoring and Research Branch. The Health Research Unit of NDoH supports 
development of national research oversight, as secretariat to the Medical Research Advisory 
Council in the short term, and the National Health Research Council in the future according to 
PNG’s Health Research Policy. Sir Puka Temu officiated the launching then pledged 
PGK1 million for NDoH’s initiative to improve capacity to coordinate the use of 
research to inform policies and health system developments.

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