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Polye on PNG Economy

Member for Kandep and T.H.E Party leader says that Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is not managing the PNG economy very well.

Don Polye said this during a media conference where he address the media that the people of Papua New Guinea must see and know what is going on, rather than being blinded.

“Current political trends under Prime Minister Peter O’Neill have developed to the contrary by averting the strategies carefully structured within the confines of those prudently designed policies of socio-economic development,” Polye said.

Polye outlined that the political interference has proliferated in the operations and functions of institutions and deviated prudent course to ad-hoc and unshuttered approach to operations systems of governance.

“O’Neill has deviated from strengthening and allowing state agencies to perform their independent duties to that is being dictated thus compromised,” Polye stated.

He said this as the Member of the opposition and as a concerned citizen of PNG and said I am not raising this as my own political agenda but these are facts that we must raise and against it as a growing nation.

According to Polye, the fundamental strategies put in place to strengthen institutions and sytems of delivery and policy implementation have been compromised by the conduct of O’Neill working outsode of the normal systems.

“It’s not only growing and developing the economy but the concern is on the sustainable management of the economy in which the Prime Minister is not prudent on that because of the sales of percentage of Air Niugini, PNG Power limited, the UBS Loan interest payment, the purchase of Gas turbine Generator by LR group who is ranked black listed in the World Bank and other countries and so on.,” Don Polye said.

Polye said briefly that PM has breached the constitution which requires parliamentary approval to borrow substantial amount of money and secure approval for funding of capital expenditure project.

Polye expressed what he is saw going on the economy of the country and he urge the people and other professionals to be aware of what the country if going through at the corruption has gone from bad to worse and this has become Government, Corporate corruption.

PNG  Today/Post Courier

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