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Manus refugees to live in PNG

PEOPLE identified to be genuine refugees at the Manus refugee processing centre will be allowed to live freely in the community in east Lorengau, Scott Morrison, the Australian minister for Boarder Protection and Immigration said yesterday.

He said this while commending the PNG Government on its decision to activate the next stage of the resettlement process.

"The decision by the government of Papua New Guinea demonstrates the positive partnership that exists between Australia and PNG on implementing the resettlement arrangement and the progress that is being made," he said in a statement.

According to Mr Morrison, the former Labor government failed to fund the ongoing management of the offshore processing centers and they also failed to conclude any practical arrangements for how resettlement in PNG and Nauru would actually be implemented.

He said as promised, the Coalition government had got on with this job and after much positive cooperation from the governments of PNG and Nauru, they were now making real progress with offshore processing and resettlement arrangements.

Meanwhile, the regional processing centre in Nauru will change to an open centre model which will permit freedom of movements and transferees across Nauru the Australian and Nauruan governments have agreed the regional processing centres on Nauru will change to an open centre model.

The transition will begin early next year with family groups the first affected. The Australian government is working closely with counterparts in Nauru to effect the transition.

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