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Basil tells graduating teachers to consider Bulolo District

A student receives her Diploma in Teaching. Photo: Sam Basil MP
Speaking during the Balob Teachers College 50th graduation, PNG Opposition leader and Bulolo MP Sam Basil told  news graduates to take up teaching in Bulolo District because they will be well looked after . Mr Basil said, 'Bulolo district has 51 schools with only 48 operating while 3 has been closed due to various reasons.There are about 374 teaching positions in Bulolo District covering 48 schools with current vacancies of 25 teachers that is required to be filled in for the 2015 school year.
Under the Bulolo Corporate teachers sponsorship scheme there will be 15 new students passing out every year including this year (2014) who will be directly posted into Bulolo District operating schools while 10 more will be filled in through the department of education selection process.
Schools operating in Waria LLG have the shortfall of 10 new teachers therefore I have to try and build the confidence of the new teachers to fill in the positions.
I used this opportunity to tell the graduating teachers of what the Bulolo District - Joint District Program & Budget Priority Committee has done so far in addressing education in Bulolo District.
We have purchased and supplied vehicles for the District Education Cordinator, District Education Standard Officer and the Elementary Cordinator and have since given K20,000.00 each to the 43 schools to partner in delivering new infrastructures.
The Joint District Program & Budget Priority Committee have also embarked on various intervention programs such as the installation of BSP EFTOS Machines, EM TV & land line phones at Trade stores situated at Omora, Garaina, Garasa and Kasangare.
Those installations will now enable the teachers and other public servants to use their bank cards to cash their wages, check account balances or do shoppings instead of coming to Lae which will cost almost a thousand Kina to travel to and from.
Next year will see the use of the recently acquired aircraft an Islander twin engine under the air subsidy program with North Coast Aviation (NCA) to be relocated back into Wau to occupy their new office and hangar build by Joint District Program & Budget Priority Committee using DSIP funds.
All schools that's are not linked by roads especially Waria and Tekadu will greatly benefit from the freight and charters subsidy program.
All 43 schools will have access to phone lines and EM TV (fax, internet & phone) to roll out the EQTV programs, the installation costs will cost over K1.2m and the Bulolo District Joint District Program & Budget Priority Committee is prepared to deliver that program alone if the MOROBE provincial administration fails to partner Bulolo District.
He said  teachers who choose to serve under Bulolo District schools must have confidence in his district as he will personally meet with them in their schools to address their schools needs and services that has been outlined above to be delivered.

Meanwhile about 503 new teachers passed out from Balob teachers college this year.

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